Friday, September 6, 2013

Thoughts over sleep

Have you ever had those nights where you can't sleep because your brain is on overdrive? I have one too many of these nights and it really ruins my sleeping pattern. Sometimes I wish my mind would just take a chill pill and let me be. I was so ready to sleep tonight, eyes closed and everything...then, the brain starts going. I can't sleep because my mind was playing out different scenarios.

The scenarios seem so realistic in my mind and I wish one day they will become a reality. Hard thing is, most of these scenarios seem too good to be true. It's mostly day dreaming or fantasizing, and majority of the time it puts me down. On the nights that I have to deal with these thoughts I listen to music to hopefully fall asleep. "Nope! Not tonight!" says my brain that just can't seem to find a way to stop.

I really do find it quite unrealistic how just one person can take over your mind so much. I was playing out scenarios of what it would be like to meet him. I was wondering what it would be like to look into his eyes and not being afraid to say anything. Then, knowing my mind, puts in a negative...finally meeting him and feeling that he won't like me and I just walk away. That's reality I guess, there are always going to be ups and downs no matter what.

This statement could be true...I really do hope it is to some extent. Although, it's hard to believe it because a lot of people have mixed up sleeping patterns and/or insomnia. Also, time difference can be a big factor as to why this can't be true. Anyway, it would be nice to know that that special someone is out there. That special someone is probably thinking the same things too.

Well, that's a bit of a ramble/rant wasn't it? Especially for a 3 am post all while I'm drinking cranberry juice. This was a short post, since I need to try and sleep. I hope all of you can sleep peacefully, I wouldn't like to see others go through this. Have a good night's sleep or a good morning. 

The song I am listening to while trying to fall asleep is:

My Awake by Late Night Alumni

~*Kaeli YouJae*~

~*Good night or good morning*~

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