Thursday, September 5, 2013

My missing piece

Recently, I have been feeling as if I have found my missing puzzle piece. I have been thinking about how much this person has in common with me. It's actually quite scary how much we have in common, whether it be actions or intellect. It is also all natural for the both of us to do what we do. To me, he is so perfect, there is nothing that I don't like about him, I love everything about him.

Although, I haven't met him yet, I feel as though I have known him for a long time. I feel as if I have met him before or something along those lines. Every time I see him I just have to smile, he makes me so happy. He may make me happy at times but, he also brings tears to my eyes. I'm afraid that someone is going to take him away.

I want to be his, I want to be his everything. I had a sudden attraction to him and it came from absolutely nowhere. I never thought I would be this attracted to someone or have these feelings towards someone. It just took one look and for me to say, "Hey, that guy is quite attractive." Then, all of these feelings came from there and they have grown stronger ever since.

He is literally the other side to me, the other half, and my missing piece. Just watching him from afar and seeing all of the little things he does, I fall in love repeatedly. I even find the odd things he does to be attractive, meaning: things that you usually wouldn't find cute. I don't know if this is creepy or not, but, I love watching him eat. Like I had said earlier, I love everything about him, even the small things.

I honestly would do anything for him, he makes me feel so encouraged and supported. Lately, I have been pushing myself to do very well in school for him. I have been pushing myself to the point where my brain feels like it's going to explode. I always tell myself though that this is for him. He makes me feel good about myself, and he makes me feel that whatever I put my mind to I can do it.

He inspires me each and everyday. Seeing him do his best all the time, makes me want to do the same. There are just countless and admirable things about him that I just can't describe. I would like to say that he has made me a better person. He has also taught me to look at the world at a different perspective. 

I learn something new from him almost every day. He makes me look forward to each day, whether it be bad or good. He just makes me feel so alive, so alive that I'm just happy to be living and breathing each and every day. Knowing that I can see his smiling face every day makes my life worth it. He gives me that extra push to keep on moving forward.

Whenever I think of him or look at him I get those butterflies and my heart beats a little faster. I can't help the way I feel about him, it's quite hard to tell if this is an "infatuation" or "love". If I were with him, I wouldn't mind being away from him for a little bit, everyone needs their space. Just knowing that he is alive and happy, that's all that I need. I feel that he is pure perfection to me, maybe a prince charming. ^^

I can't wait until the day I get to finally meet him. That would be the day that I get to find out if it was meant to be or not. I am totally prepared for what may come of the answer. Only time will tell, I just believe that I have to have faith and hope that this may work. No one knows what will happen, I just have to keep my head up and wait for that day. 

I just know that this guy makes me feel like no other could. He is everything that I ever imagined in a guy, he is just too perfect to me. There is not a day that goes by that I don't think about him. Every little thing reminds me or makes me think of him. I believe in fate, I just hope that this is right. 

I don't want anyone else but him, I know that sounds so cliche but that's how I feel. He has become a part of me, I can't go a day without thinking of him. Most of the time my mind just wanders off to him anyways. These are all natural feelings and I just can't describe fully of how he makes me feel. I can't describe fully of how I feel about him. 

He is just my missing piece, he is special, and he has stolen my heart and is running away with it. I just wish he knew that he meant this much to me. Everyday that goes by, my feelings grow stronger and stronger. Every time I see him, my heart beats faster and faster. I just want him to know that he is always on my mind and in my heart.


chuu!!~~~ <3

Okay, that's all for my post today!!

Hope you enjoyed it!!

Have a lovely day!!


~*Kaeli YouJae*~

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