Wednesday, June 5, 2013

My Gazefamily

the GazettE





Drums KAI

Top left: Mrs. Ruki (me), bottom left: Mrs. Kai, top right: Mrs. Reita, middle right: Mrs. Aoi, bottom right: Mrs. Uruha
We are the GazettE wifeys. 

They are my Gazefamily and Gazesisters.

I have met these lovely and amazing girls on this social network called Instagram. The first one that I had met was Mrs. Reita, she is close friends with our friend Kamiru. Mrs. Reita, Kamiru, and I were discussing about making a roleplaying page on Facebook. Then, Mrs. Kai came into the conversation and helped us name the group and that's also how I met her. From there, we decided to make the page official! 

It was such an amazing feeling to make new friends with people that shared the same interests as you. Funny thing is, we all had the same mind sets which is rare for me to find in people. As I would like to quote from Mrs. Kai,

"Great minds think alike."

We all had the same thoughts and interests, it is a great gift to have these girls in my life. I am so unbelievably grateful to have them in my life. <3

Soon after making our official "Jrock Wifey roleplaying page" we gained another member....Mrs. Aoi. She is like the mother of all of us, because she is the oldest out of us. She really is a mother to us because she gives us great advice and she takes care of us. Therefore, we call her "Mama Aoi", she is so sweet, kind-hearted and caring. We can always count on her to be there for us to talk to. :)

After Mrs. Aoi joined our loving little group, I felt that we needed our last member. We were missing a Mrs. Uruha, I felt that we were an incomplete group without that last member. Luckily, Mrs. Kai announced that we needed our last member and someone came through in time. Mrs. Uruha was then introduced to the group, she was so quiet. After I saw her picture, I had a natural urge to call her "Mama Uru". 

I knew right away that our group was perfect and there was nothing that I would change about it. As time passed, we talked to one another almost on a daily basis. We got closer to one another, we bonded and became close friends, sisters and a family. We were going to be this way for as long as we can, forever if we can. No matter what happens, we will always stand by and support one another like a true family should.

I have to admit that here-and-there, we all would have conflict with one another. Then again, what siblings or family doesn't? We have managed to get passed these obstacles by working together. These conflicts have only made us that much more stronger. We not only made us as a group stronger, but also us as individuals. 

Honestly, I love all of these lovely, amazing, and beautiful girls with all of my heart. We are, I have to say, are very much alike to the GazettE. Our bond, connection, friendship and relationship is as strong as theirs. I would like to think that we as a "Gazefamily" and "Gazesisters" are unbreakable. I would hate to see someone try to tear us apart. I honestly, would hate it the most if one of the Gazesisters left.

It would sadden all of us, losing a member would be like losing a piece of your life and heart. We worked so hard to get this far with one another. We technically, "grew up" together as a family and siblings would. Again, who am I to make someone stay if they don't feel they need to? Whatever their decision may be, as a family member and sister, all I can do is say my opinion and support their decisions.

I will always love these girls, whether they decide to leave or stay. I will support them and love them no matter what. If they're happy, I am happy. I think that's all that should matter the most, because I know that they would do the same for me. Also, if they decide to leave, we as a Gazefamily have chosen to NEVER replace them.

We will forever more carry on as the Gazesisters and Gazefamily. Even if we are missing a member, we will carry on for them. We will not ever stop what we are doing for anyone, that's a pledge we have all made to one another as a group. We will ONLY stop if the GazettE does, the GazettE has brought us girls together. We have to thank them for bringing our group together. 

the GazettE is the only reason why we are still standing here together. Without them, we wouldn't have our group and family existing. Thank you so much Gazetto for bringing these girls into my life. We will carry on as long as you do, that is our pledge. We will keep on fighting as long as you guys do!!!

We love you the GazettE!!!

~Thank you for reading my story about my Gazefamily!! I hope you all have a wonderful and amazing day!!~

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