Thursday, June 6, 2013

Love at first sight


I apologize for all of the recent posts about love. I guess I'm just "love struck". I really don't know how to describe how I feel at this point. I actually thought I would never feel this way again. I told myself that I would stay away from this thing called "love" and the feelings that come along with it. 

Recently, I went on a double date and it was my first time meeting this guy. I had a crush on him for quite some time. What I did not know, was that we would be going over to his house. Once we got to his house I wasn't nervous or anything, I just knew I was going to meet him. Once he answered the door and I saw him, my heart just seemed to jump or "skip a beat". 


The only thing I could think of doing was smile like an idiot. It wasn't the way he looked or the way he smiled back at me, it was something more. Or at least that's what I felt, or would like to think. Now, usually when I meet new people I shake their hand but, with him, without thinking I ended up hugging him. This was also the first time that the person actually hugged me back.

Also, opening up to him was so much easier than I thought. We actually have a lot of interests in common and we had a lot to talk about. The whole day I was laughing and smiling, he made me feel so happy. There was never a dull moment with him, he is also a gentleman. There is just something about this guy that had me hooked from the very beginning.


I find myself thinking about him a lot, my heart races. I don't want to rush through this, but I don't know how to handle it. I don't even know if it's just an infatuation or love. I definitely felt those "sparks" that people and the movies talk about. He is really different from other guys I have been around.

I also know that he's not ready to be in a serious relationship yet. So, I actually told myself that I would wait for him. He is just that special to me, I even choose him over my sleep. I just can't explain these feelings, I also don't want these feelings to go away. If these feelings are wrong, I would just hate myself so much.

I often go for the "wrong guys", but I don't want him to be that. I also fall very fast and I always end up getting hurt. I have to admit, I am that clinging type, but not desperate. I just want affection and to give affection. He is the only one who actually accepted my affection and given it back.

He is perfection in my eyes.


I will wait for him.

Alright, I guess that's going to be enough of my love rambling. 

Hope you all enjoyed reading this, if not, that's fine too.

Have a great day!!~


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