Tuesday, October 6, 2015

October blog challenge Day 6

Name 6 pet peeves you have

1. People misspelling things and using the wrong terms is one of my pet peeves. Yes, I do understand a lot of us make mistakes because we are only human but, make sure or look up anything you are unsure about. If you take the time to make sure things are correct it will help to not make you look unintelligent. I also want to say that I understand that some don't have English as a first language. In the end, this is one of my biggest pet peeves.

2. People chewing loudly...I have no idea why people do this and I don't know what they think they can achieve by doing so. It's just down right irritating to me for some reason. I sometimes feel like people are doing it for attention and others are doing it because they were taught that way or have it as a bad habit. It makes me think that they're an animal. Maybe they need some manners or for someone to confront them about the problem they aren't aware of.

3. Demanding people are so irritating to no end. I'm not talking about people who have a legitimate reason for what they're demanding. I'm simply talking about people who are demanding things that are plain and simple with things that could be dealt with easily. For example, people demanding money from whomever when they know they still have some and that whomever, can't possibly give it to them at that moment. I just find that disrespectful and unreasonable. Please be reasonable with your demands and treat others the way you would like to be treated.

4. Interruptions especially when having a conversation is hard to understand. It's also pretty disrespectful and it makes others look at you like you're selfish. Yes, you can contribute to the conversation but, please wait your turn. Also, what I notice a lot of females tend to do is put your hand up to shut the person off so they can't talk. That's quite uncalled for and disrespectful, everyone deserves a say but just be patient for your turn.

5. Leggings or yoga pants being used as pants. I really cannot wrap my head around this trend...at all. Yes, I understand it's comfortable and it may make your buttocks look nice but, I don't think it should be worn outside. It can sometimes be very unsettling for others to see. Sometimes, it's unflattering on some women to be honest. I just wouldn't do this and it would take a lot for me to understand this trend.

6. Dirty rooms, bathrooms, home,...etc. I just really REALLY can't stand uncleanliness. I guess I was just raised into a home of clean freaks but, I just think that being clean is a good trait or habit. I think that being clean is a good way to give a good impression. How you choose to take care of other things gives a good clue of how you take care of yourself.

Thanks for taking the time to stop by and read my posts!!!

See you all soon in my next posts!!!

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