Wednesday, February 25, 2015


Hello! Recently, I went to go get tested for STDs since I had unprotected sex twice at the end of last year. I know, I waited too long to get tested. Anyways, my results came back "positive". I'm quite shaken up about it. But, I know that it's partially my fault. I should have known this was going to happen though because the shithead I did it with. The one who I lost my virginity to, had many sexual partners before me. He even bragged about it. The second partner I had was a friend and it was out of the blue. It was a "just because" kind of thing. I was stupid and reckless and did it unprotected. I guess this is what I get. I face the consequences now.

We all make mistakes. A lot that we aren't proud of. But, we all learn and move on from these. These mistakes help us grow. They even sometimes make us who we are as people. 

I'm going to see the doctor for treatment later today. I've learned from my mistakes and now I'm willing to become a better version of me. Once I'm cured from (Chlamydia) I can move on and start fresh. Not looking back because that's not where I'm going. Anyways, where I'm trying to go with this is that you should be open with your partner and tell them you have a STD. Also, please talk to your partner about getting tested before you have any sexual intercourse. Or just get tested period! There's nothing wrong with sex, it's normal so don't be ashamed or embarrassed to talk about it. :) 

Please get tested guys! :) Thank you for stopping by and reading my post! I hope you all have a great day, evening, or night! :)

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