Thursday, November 20, 2014

My trip to California

Hey guys!!! I'm here to show you the places I visited and things I did while I was in California for a couple of days! :) I hope you enjoy the photos! I'm sorry if a few of them are odd I was too lazy to edit them nicely. It's late and I'm tired and sick. :P So, here we go! 

Went to Santa Monica at night!

Newport Beach! 

Found mine and my crush's zodiac signs next to one another at the Griffith Observatory in Hollywood, CA!

Staircase to Amoeba Record Store!

Hollywood Walk of Fame!

My favorite Hip Hop brand store in Hollywood :)

The murder house from the first season of American Horror Story in Hollywood! :D

Lastly, I got to try this restaurant called, "Chick Fil A" and it was A-mazing!!! I loved it!!! I have to go back when I go back to Cali! :D

So damn delicious!!!! :D....

Well, there you go! My trip to Cali all in photos! I hope you liked it! Well, I'm off to bed now! Don't feel well! Good night and good morning! :)

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