Sunday, May 4, 2014

My B.A.P dream: Daehyun

Last night, I had another B.A.P dream!!!! Aiiigggoooo~~~!!!! This is so crazy!! (In a good way of course) :3 Anyways, everything in this dream felt so real and amazing. Everything was so vivid and indescribable! I loved everything about it! :D 

Well, here we go~!! 

This dream started off with me walking around with B.A.P and we were making our way out of the airport. (I have no idea where we were.) We then made our way to the vans. We split up, Daehyun, myself, Jongup and Zelo were in one van with some crew members. Manager Kang, Youngjae, Himchan, Yongguk and other crew members were in their van. We were hungry so we made our way to this middle eastern restaurant. On our way there, Daehyun was sitting in between my legs and we were sitting beside Zelo. Daehyun and I were talking to Zelo and laughing and just enjoying one another's company. Jongup was sleeping in the back seat behind us. Daehyun would look back at me from time to time while we were talking to the other crew members and Zelo. We would exchange smiles and laughs. Daehyun was so adorable and sweet. I even said to Daehyunnie how cute he is and that he's my DaeDae baby. After I said that, he pecked my lips a couple of times. (It felt so real!!!) •\\\3\\\• <3 Daehyunnie was so romantic!!! XD aigoooo~~~!!!! 

Once we made it to the restaurant, we all came out of our vans one by one. Daehyun took my hand and we held hands on our way inside the restaurant. Along with the rest of the members, we met up with the chef and they showed us how they made their "famous" bread. Daehyun and I stood together in awe as we watched the chef move so quickly while they made the bread. The chef let us taste the bread, Daehyun and I fed one another. (It was so adorable.) X3 <3 After we were filled with the yummy food from the restaurant, we all headed over to the beach. 

Once we were at the beach, everyone jumped out of the vans and ran into the sand. Daehyun and I held hands still and went and started splashing the other members and one another. We were screaming and laughing. Then, Daehyun came up behind me suddenly and he embraced me around my waist and swung me around. He picked me up and took me over to the water like he was going to drop me in. I screamed and held on to him tightly. (It was so much fun.) 

After the beach on our way to the hotel. 

(It gets kind of steamy here.) ;3

On our way to the hotel, I was sitting on Daehyun's lap and he was cradling me in his arms. He looked down at me and smiled. I looked up at him and leaned in to kiss him. He kissed me back and we both melted into the kiss. We both slightly moved away from one another's lips only to feel one another's hot breath. Then, we languidly pecked away from our lips. We kissed the corners of our lips, cheek, jawline, and ear lobes. Once we got to our necks, we passionately kissed one another. Daehyun's grasp on me became tighter and hotter. I could feel his hot and sweaty palms on my lower back through my shirt. We melted into one another. 

Once we made it to the hotel, we stopped what were doing immediately. We grabbed our bags and one another's hands and made our way over to the hotel entrance. Daehyun and I looked at one another and began to laugh. The other members came up to us and started talking to us. We all joined one another, and made our way inside the hotel. Then, that's when I awoke and was a happy happy girl! 

Now, since I had this dream. I think I may have Daehyun as my second bias on my bias list! I have fallen for him now. ^\\\^ darn you wonderful dream! Now, I have to deal with this cutie patootie! ♡

There's my wonderful dream!!! 

I hope I will have lots more in the future! 


***All photo credit goes to their respectable owners***



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