Monday, February 10, 2014


As most of you may know, The Walking Dead had returned last night at 9. Oh my goodness!!! This episode was so intense and took so many turns, I can't wait for the next episodes! This season is crazy!!! A lot of the things that were happening had to do with things from the past. It made so much sense and I just think that everything is going to have twists and turns for the rest of the season. 

It honestly was one of the best episodes! I can't wait to see Daryl though!! I'm just too excited for the next episodes! *cries* ; m ; The Walking Dead brings so much happiness into my life. I love my ZAMBIES and DARYL DIXON a.k.a NORMAN REEDUS. <3 My girlfriend and I love zombies and gory disturbing things so this fits right in for the both of us. ^^

Anyways, on to the funny part...

The 104 oz. can of pudding that made it's debut in The Walking Dead with Carl!


Got to appreciate the small things! LOL

Carl and dat pudding...Just sayin'

The more that I think about it though, I guess I just liked this episode for the damn pudding! Also, I forgot to include that there were zombie pets involved and a missing shoe. Carl had turned into Cinderella and the zombie has his shoe. Maybe the zombie ate his shoe? Whoa. Will he get it back? Will he try to get it back? Or will he travel without it? 

We will have to await the next episode of...

The Walking Dead


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