Saturday, September 28, 2013

My older sister Michi

Today I would like to talk about my unnie (older sister) Michi. To start off, we met early this year or so and we just immediately clicked. She understood me from the very beginning. She never judged me nor did she second guess things about me. She is really one of my best friends and I know that I can run to her when there's something wrong.

I will admit that we have had our share of ups and downs. Then again, what friends don't? These ups and downs have done nothing but bring us closer together and made our friendship that much stronger. Yes, I take full responsibility for hurting her in the past. I will never forget that and I regret it. 

Honestly, I can say that we have always been there for one another. We also have so many things in common that it makes everything so easy to explain. She just gets me, and that's what I like about her. We both have our moments where our sadness and stubbornness gets the best of us. That's when our strength comes in, we help lift one another up. 

We have both been through so much together and it feels like we have known one another for years. I can't tell you how immensely happy I am to have her in my life. We have always told one another how blessed we are to have met. We feel that we were brought into one another's lives for a reason. We are also willing to meet one of these days in which I am happy about. 

I know, it's so crazy to meet so many amazing people online who actually understand you. It's crazy because most of these people who I have met online are people like me. That's why I hold my unnie close to my heart. Unnie, I cannot wait until that amazing day that we get to meet face to face. I just want to say that you are the kind of person who has a truly big heart of gold.

I love how we can learn from one another. I love how we never second one another's decisions. We always support one another and never let people tear us down. We give one another strength and faith. Let us stay this way for the years to come.

Also, don't forget that I will always be by your side no matter what. I made that promise and I am going to keep my word. I promise you that I will make mistakes but, I will learn from them. I am going to try my hardest to avoid hurting you again. I still regret what I had done in the past and I'm truly sorry. 

We have come a long way together, so let's keep fighting!~~~

I want you to know that whenever you're feeling scared, I'll be there right next to you being scared with you. 

I am going to protect you the best way that I can, just like you have done for me.

I also love how we can always find a way to cheer one another up.

You know that I'll always be here to do things for you and make your life easier. :)

Thank you unnie for always being here for me no matter what. There are absolutely no words to say to explain how grateful I am to have a sister like you. You are my best friend and sister and I want to keep growing together. I love how we can always lean on one another. We shall remain as two peas in a far out pod together. 




Stay strong unnie!!~~~

Love, your dong saeng

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