Saturday, September 28, 2013

My older sister Michi

Today I would like to talk about my unnie (older sister) Michi. To start off, we met early this year or so and we just immediately clicked. She understood me from the very beginning. She never judged me nor did she second guess things about me. She is really one of my best friends and I know that I can run to her when there's something wrong.

I will admit that we have had our share of ups and downs. Then again, what friends don't? These ups and downs have done nothing but bring us closer together and made our friendship that much stronger. Yes, I take full responsibility for hurting her in the past. I will never forget that and I regret it. 

Honestly, I can say that we have always been there for one another. We also have so many things in common that it makes everything so easy to explain. She just gets me, and that's what I like about her. We both have our moments where our sadness and stubbornness gets the best of us. That's when our strength comes in, we help lift one another up. 

We have both been through so much together and it feels like we have known one another for years. I can't tell you how immensely happy I am to have her in my life. We have always told one another how blessed we are to have met. We feel that we were brought into one another's lives for a reason. We are also willing to meet one of these days in which I am happy about. 

I know, it's so crazy to meet so many amazing people online who actually understand you. It's crazy because most of these people who I have met online are people like me. That's why I hold my unnie close to my heart. Unnie, I cannot wait until that amazing day that we get to meet face to face. I just want to say that you are the kind of person who has a truly big heart of gold.

I love how we can learn from one another. I love how we never second one another's decisions. We always support one another and never let people tear us down. We give one another strength and faith. Let us stay this way for the years to come.

Also, don't forget that I will always be by your side no matter what. I made that promise and I am going to keep my word. I promise you that I will make mistakes but, I will learn from them. I am going to try my hardest to avoid hurting you again. I still regret what I had done in the past and I'm truly sorry. 

We have come a long way together, so let's keep fighting!~~~

I want you to know that whenever you're feeling scared, I'll be there right next to you being scared with you. 

I am going to protect you the best way that I can, just like you have done for me.

I also love how we can always find a way to cheer one another up.

You know that I'll always be here to do things for you and make your life easier. :)

Thank you unnie for always being here for me no matter what. There are absolutely no words to say to explain how grateful I am to have a sister like you. You are my best friend and sister and I want to keep growing together. I love how we can always lean on one another. We shall remain as two peas in a far out pod together. 




Stay strong unnie!!~~~

Love, your dong saeng

Friday, September 20, 2013

Idol Star Athletics Championships 2013

Part 1 of the Idol Star Athletics Championships

Part 2 of the Idol Star Athletics Championships

To tell you the truth, I am not really into watching sports. Although, I do enjoy playing some sports such as: Badminton, Soccer, and running. I honestly think that watching my favorite idols playing sports is the only way you can get me to watch sports. It makes things way more exciting for me, even though I'm the only one in the room cheering. Is that weird? 

Team D was the team that I was rooting for! Of course, because of B.A.P that was the main reason why. B.A.P did extremely well this time around, even if they had some losses I am still proud of them. I love them no matter what place they came in, they will always make me proud and amazed. At least they put all of their efforts into it and did the best they could, I'm happy. ^^

I am so immensely happy because the B.A.P members did extremely well in soccer!! First off, in the second part of the championships, Yongguk made an amazing goal! Second, Zelo made an amazing out of the court kick, he sent the ball flying and I think it hit a camera. Third, YoungJae made an amazing goal!! I'm so proud of these boys!! They make me the happiest BABY ever!!~~~ Lastly, they helped their team, Team D win the soccer championship!!!~~~ Even though Team D did not win the Idol Star Championships, I am forever proud of this team and B.A.P! <3

(c): BAPIndonesia


(c): tsbabyz



Aja!!~~~ Fighting!!~~~

I hope you enjoyed this post!!

Have an amazing and active day!!~~~




Monday, September 16, 2013

600 days with B.A.P

Today is B.A.P's 600th day!!! I honestly can't explain how happy I am. I am so immensely proud of these boys. I'll admit that I was not with them from the very beginning of their debut, but I have seen them grow. They are truly amazing and talented. I think that there is not anything these boys cannot do. As I have always said about them, they really do live up to their name. I love these boys so much, I will always, forever, and infinitely love them. They NEVER cease to amaze and surprise me. I can actually say that I am proud to be a part of this fandom and to call myself a BABY. <3

A song that I think suits them and this moment/day is: 

We Just made it by SB

These boys have made it a long way. They have worked so hard to get to where they are now. They have put all of their hearts, blood, sweat, and tears into what they do. I couldn't have been any happier for them or proud. They make so many of us BABYs extremely happy and we love them for that. We show them how much we love them each and everyday, I don't think they could ask for more. <3

I can honestly say that I look at these boys/men as warriors. They are constantly fighting for what they love and to see BABYs smile each and everyday. They have extraordinary drive and ambition, whatever they put their minds to they can do it! They do what they love and love what they do...does that make sense? That's just from my perspective, I can see that in all of the members. They all have truly amazing potential, they can do anything from this point on. Fighting!!~~~

I can still remember them like this as if it were just yesterday. *sniff sniff* I remember the joke about asking which member we liked, and we would say, "The blonde one." This always makes me think of "unity", "closeness", "family", "harmony", and "peace". I think of those words because they all have blonde hair. Ever since I had seen them during that time, I was completely hooked on them. There is absolutely no way to tear me away from them. <3

They had definitely rocked my world and turned it upside down. I knew I would never be the same after they had entered my life. They are so perfect to me, they are "the whole package". They are my BEST ABSOLUTE PERFECT, HANDSOME, CUTE, TALENTED, AMAZING, FUNNY, ADORABLE, SEXY, HARDCORE, STRONG, GENTLE, and EVERYTHING in between men. There is nothing more I can say, they are just everything to me. <3 B.A.P <3

I don't ever want these men to change, ever. Although, I already know that they most likely won't. I wouldn't want to change anything about them as they are already Best Absolutely Perfect!!! >///< <3 chu ~~~ I love them to death, always, forever, and infinitely!!!~~~ I can't wait to see them when they come back to the US and/or my city. <3 


You have definitely changed my life for the better! I thank you for that. I can't find the words to say how thankful I am to have you guys in my life. You are all extraordinary! Thank you for being who you are and making me, and all BABYs around the world happy. We love you tremendously! 




That was it for this happy and amazing post!!

I hope you enjoyed reading it!

Have a Best Absolutely Perfect day!!~~~

Saturday, September 14, 2013


Today I would like to talk about B.A.P's first Japanese debut. They are beginning with "Warrior" and this was actually the first M/Vs I had seen from them. I am extremely proud of these boys who have become men in such a short amount of time. It was actually released yesterday or so, I found out by looking through my instagram feed. OH MY YOUNGJAE!!! While I watched this MV or PV (as the Japanese like to call it.) I could feel my heart beat fast, my smile reaching from ear to ear, and holding my breath so I wouldn't make a sound. I didn't want to wake anyone up with my squeals and giggles of absolute happiness.

[WARRIOR] B.A.P first Japanese Debut MV

These boys/men NEVER cease to amaze me. Seriously, they honestly and ultimately live up to their name! I loved them ever since I was introduced to them. I will forever and always remain a BABY. <3 They always give me a feeling of true happiness and confidence. I have found that whenever I watch any of their performances or MVs, I find that I hold my breath and my heart beat quickens. They give me an extraordinary feeling, something no other musical group or musician has done for me in the past. They will always have a special place in my heart, for they are truly BEST ABSOLUTE PERFECT. <3 I love these men/boys to death, I will never stop loving them.

The Best Absolutely Perfect men and aliens <3

The photos above of all the individual members are from 

That's it for today's post!!!

I hope you liked it!

Have a B.A.P kind of day or night!!!~~~

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Good bye means forever

Today I would just like to start it off with a small message. As we all know, today is September 11th.

R.I.P to those who have lost their lives on this very day. My heart and thoughts go out to those who have lost a loved one. We will never forget. 
Now, let us get to the post that I am ready to write.

Recently, I have situated some of my thoughts and feelings. I had found that it's time to officially let go of things and have a fresh start. I am ready to let go of these things forever. I feel that I don't need these things in my life anymore. It is time to say my final farewells and begin anew.
Here goes...I am officially ready to leave the GazettE fandom for good. I will be leaving all of these things behind. With this fandom brought me pain and unwanted feelings. It also brought along a lot of hate and competition. It's time to say goodbye to the things that hurt me the most. 
Goodbye the GazettE, we really did have a good run together. I enjoyed all the things you had to give and offer. I appreciate all of the things you had brought into my life. I am so glad you made such beautiful and extraordinary music. You are not the reason why I'm leaving or caused me pain, it was the fandom.

I want to say goodbye to the fandom. Thank you for actually letting me make a lot of friends. People who actually understood me and didn't judge me. Thank you for letting me make my own loving family out of it. I am leaving you for good because you brought along a lot of pain, hatred, and competition. This fandom has become more of a competition than a family who loves music. That's why I shall say goodbye.
I am also ready to say goodbye to the one who WAS a BIG influence in my life at the time. You have taught me a lot about myself and those around me. You have taught me to look at things differently. You had taught me to be strong and have a mind of my own. But, also with me liking you brought along A LOT of competition and hatred. It hurt me more than anything to be attacked by those who claim they love you. It ruined my life and the way I felt about you. It brought along a lot of negativity into my life that I never knew I could go through.
Admiring. loving, and adoring you brought me into a...

It's not your fault that any of that had happened but, I feel that it's best to let you go. 

For good this time.
You had brought a smile to my face but also tears to my eyes and pain in my heart.

Goodbye to our 9 lovely years we had together.

Hello! My new fresh start!!~~~
Thank you for taking the time to read my farewells. I am feeling a lot better about the changes I am making in my life . I feel like a brand new person, although it still kind of hurts. Why wouldn't it hurt to let go of something that used to mean so much to you? Oh well, I'll learn to get over it. :)
Have a great day!!!