Saturday, August 17, 2013

My older sister Jaehwa

Today I would like to talk about my "older sister" Jaehwa. To be honest, she actually isn't older than me but, she sure acts like it. Ever since I met her I knew right away that we would get along. I knew that she would be as sweet, loving and caring as she is. She is also a great leader, I am inspired by her and I look up to her. 

She is one of these recent friends that I have made and become very close to in such little time. She is already family to me and there's nothing I wouldn't do for her. She also has this "mother-like" trait to her, she wants to take care of us. The way I had been introduced to her was very awesome. There was just something so perfect about it and I liked it a lot.

The way that I was introduced to her, was by my little sister Mina! They have been friends long before I came into the picture. They are two peas in a far out pod and they both make me so happy. I am happy to have both of them in my life. I am so glad that we all became so close and became a family. 

Back to Jaehwa, there are so many qualities about her that just lighten up the mood. She literally is always happy every time I talk to her or video chat with her. There is never a time that I don't see her smiling or laughing. She also has this soft spoken, gentle yet, strong voice to her. I love that I can talk to her about anything and she doesn't judge me.

I feel that I can go to her for anything and she'll be ready to listen and give me advice. She is also a very talented poet, I have heard from Mina. I find that very awesome though because for myself, I find it quite hard to write poems. From my perspective, I think you need a lot of skill and imagination to write poems. I know that she definitely has those things. 

I really do look up to her for her great imagination and leader skills. She inspires me to try my hardest at things and to always keep my head up. She even inspires me to be myself 150% of the time. She helps bring the funny, weirdo and giggly side out of me. She really is the best unnie I could ever ask for in our little family. 

There is no such thing as judgement when we are together. We forget about everything and just live for the moment. Life is too short to be worrying, let's just have fun. We are never alone because we will always have one another. Does she have a heart of gold, I think so.

Unnie, when we are together let's just drop everything and just go crazy.

I promise that I will always be by your side through whatever.

Let us work together to solve problems.

When you, me and Mina actually meet let's promise to make unforgettable memories together.

Unnie, you are silly...

Cool as a cucumber...

ALWAYS shining those pearly whites...

Creative and ambitious...

Most of all....

You are a blessing to your little B.A.P family.

Saranghaeyo!!~~~ Jaehwa <3

Let us take care of one another.

Much love xoxo

Kaeli YouJae

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