Saturday, June 15, 2013

My gyaru diet


It's summer time and we are all ready to wear our ever so cute swimsuits!!! Right? Well, I'm going to share with you my diet that may help you keep a fit body. This may or may not work for you, but it works for me. I am no nutritionist or anything of that sort. I am just a girl that wants to stay fit and wants to help others do the same. :)

I hope this helps you. :)

Let us begin!! Ikimashou!!~ :D

Mostly what I do is eat 50% of the plate size, sometimes I eat until I am 50% full. I eat small snacks in between each meal. Such as: Breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, so on and so forth. I am also the kind of person who skips breakfast and eats a small lunch, snack and dinner with a dessert. Another factor that helps me is my natural fast metabolism, so that method may not be best for some.

To let you all know, I eat anything and everything. It doesn't matter whether it's good or bad I eat it!!! Eat what you like, but always eat your vegetables, grains, protein,...etc. As long as you eat what makes you happy and in small portions you'll be alright. If your happy, that's all you need to continue dieting.

Also, a really big thing for me is drinking water A LOT of water. I rarely have any soft drinks, energy drinks, coffee, or juice. I might have tea from time to time. All of those drinks seem to fill me up more than the food could. That is mostly it for the drinks, stay healthy, water is mother nature's gift. (^____^)

The types of things that I like to do to keep active: 
  • Singing
  • Para para
  • Belly dancing
  • dancing
  • Jumping rope 
  • Jumping up and down to music
  • Swimming
  • Walking
  • Running

Staying active as we all know is good for us. Even just daily routines can be known as exercise. For example: doing the laundry, running up and down stairs, doing dishes, making your bed, cleaning your room...etc. It's important to keep your body moving and heart pumping. Just keep moving and staying active and you'll feel alive! 

Well, there you all go!! Those are my dieting secrets!! Please leave a comment if this worked for you, I would love to hear from you. I just really want to help people reach their goals. I want to help them feel happy and accomplished. 

The most important thing to remember gals is that you have to be happy and committed to your diet. It's okay to relax and take a break but not for too long. As long as you're happy with what you're doing that's all that should matter. Do this for YOU, do not do this for anyone else. YOU are beautiful in YOUR own unique ways.

I believe that everyone is beautiful in their own ways. I also learned and was taught that...

"You must love yourself before you can love anything else."

I hope that this will help you gals, I really do. I want to help others and help them see the beauty that they possess. Please leave a comment telling me if this has helped you. I would really appreciate it. :)


Always stay beautiful inside and out gals!!~
Believe in yourself!~


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