Friday, June 28, 2013

I'll wait for him

Are you willing to wait for someone that you have strong feelings for?

I have really strong feelings towards this guy, ever since I saw him I knew that I had feelings for him. I thought it was just a tiny little crush but, it turned out to be more than that. Although, he had told me that he wasn't ready for a serious relationship. He really is an honest and amazing person, I had never found that in any guy I had previously met and dated. He's different, and he gives me these feelings that I can never explain.
Recently, I had met him for the second time at a friend's surprise birthday party. I really tried to keep my distance from him because there were so many other people around. I also didn't want to come off as clingy. I couldn't help my feelings towards him though. My feelings for him are just so strong, being away from him even for a few minutes kills me. 
I had to sooner or later ask him for an embrace. Once we did, without thinking before my actions, I told him that I missed him. Even knowing that it was way too soon and he wasn't ready for a serious relationship. His response to the I miss you was an "Uh huh." I felt so damn stupid and humiliated. 
The embrace of course, lasted a while. I couldn't help myself. It's so crazy how someone who was  once a complete stranger can mean so much to you after meeting them. While we were walking to the birthday girl's house to go swimming, I was holding hands with him. His grip was loose and we were uncomfortably silent. He had told me he wanted to talk to me about something.
I knew exactly what he was going to say to me, but I kept on holding on to him. Of course, he tells me that he wasn't ready for a relationship and that nothing was going to make him change his mind. I was a little hurt but, who wouldn't be? I understood him though, and the fact that he told me face-to-face and being nothing but honest, I had to respect his decision. He then, let go of my hand and I just kept a smile to show him that I wasn't hurt.
I like/love this guy so much that I will respect his decisions. I will take my time and wait until he's ready. Even though, there's this thing sticking in the back of my mind. "What if I'm waiting for absolutely nothing?" It makes me sad to know that may be the truth. "What if I'm wasting my time waiting for him but, he decides to move on?" 
Those things somehow seem to subside after I remind myself of what my best friend/brother had told me about his best friend (which is the guy I like). He had said that they are not the type of guys to mess around with girl's feelings. They are the type of guys who would go out of their way to make people they care about happy. They aren't the type of guys who would want to treat a girl badly. He even told me that his best friend is the kind of person who just needs time.
I can completely understand that, once in a while people just need time to do things that benefit them. Also, the guy I like even came forward and told me that all of those sweet and intimate things we did together was done so that I wouldn't be disappointed. So, was it done just to satisfy me? Was all of those things just a lie? Or did he really have an interest for me or what? 
I'm not upset that it came to that. I just really want to know if his feelings were really there or if it was just an act to make me happy. I really hope that it wasn't just an act. I just really wish he knew how I felt about everything. How I felt when I was around him, how I felt when he held my hand, and how I felt when he kissed me. I just wish he knew that I may be clingy but, it's because I like to show affection. 
He really gives me these feelings that I have never had before about anyone. I had never been sitting alone and had pictures of him flashing through my mind. I had never looked at a picture of a person and automatically smiled and giggled. When I see him my heart races and I can't help but smile. I honestly wish that he was mine.
In my eyes, he is pure perfection. He is everything that I'm missing. He's my missing puzzle piece. I feel that he's my other side or my other pair. He completes me and I'm happy that he was brought into my life.
Therefore, I will give him time, as long as he needs. I will wait for him because I really truly do not want anyone else. He means that much to me, I had never felt this way about anyone. I really wonder if he has ever thought of me once or had some feelings towards me. He is that special to me that I had chosen him over my sleep and even my thoughts at times.
I will wait for him....

Wait for you by Elliot Yamin

I hope you enjoyed this lengthy post. 

Have a great and lively day!!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Best. Absolute. Perfect.

Yes sir!

Best. Absolute. Perfect.

Today I would LOVE to talk about B.A.P!!! I am "Absolutely" in love with this group. I have to thank my sister Azu (I can't tell you her name for obvious reasons.) for showing me them. They are truly amazing and I adore them so much. I may not know them as well as other fans but I am hooked on them.

Their sound is so intriguing and addictive. All of the members have their own "flavor" and style. For some reason, their different styles work well together. It's very unique, just like their dance moves as well. They always have brought something new to the table.

I like it a lot, and I am glad to say that I'm so happy to call myself a "newbie" Baby. "Baby" is what B.A.P's fans are called, at least the girls and the guys are called "Warriors". Warriors came from their song called "Warrior" which I will put the video below. This song is very powerful and strong like a warrior! ^^ It's very masculine and it was also the first song that I had heard from them.

Warrior MV B.A.P

I also may not know much about them but, I am researching. ^^ From what I have read and seen so far, I think they are really cute, funny, and "one of a kind" guys. I respect them and I really do hope to meet them all one day. I think it would be awesome to be friends with these guys. They seem like brothers who would always have your back no matter what and cheer you up whenever you're having a bad day. :)

Now, I will show you one of their recent songs.

One Shot MV B.A.P

Recently, I have gotten back into kpop after a very long break from it. I have been feeling very distant from my favorite J-Rock band "the GazettE" and decided to leave the fandom. I will always be a fan of them in my heart and mind. Anyways, I started getting back into kpop by listening to "One Shot" then I was hooked. Thank you B.A.P for bringing me back and for me to almost come back the same time you did! :D

Now, here is the current song that I am addicted to!

Rain Sound MV B.A.P

I am so in love with these guys! <3 <3 <3 

Now, on to what we call our "biases". I'm not sure if we are allowed to have more than one "bias" but, whatever. I have two biases from B.A.P and I adore them. In fact, I adore all of the members of B.A.P!! I loved them from the very first time that my sister had introduced me to them.

My first bias is...

YoungJae!!! <3

I love YoungJae because we have some things in common. He's cute, funny, unique and most of all....Mr. Brains! He is also a few months older than me! hahaha! ^///^ I admire him and I love his voice! Whether it be talking or singing. <3 My #1 bias: YoungJae! <3

Now I will show you my second bias from B.A.P!!!

My second bias is...

Dae Hyun!!! <3

Just to let you all know, I have a BIG fascination and admiration towards vocalists. I don't even know why. XD

Reasons for liking Dae Hyun? Honestly, the same as why I admire YoungJae. Except one thing, he is one year older than YoungJae and I. ^///^ <3 There is just something so fascinating, intriguing and attractive about a guy that can sing. I don't know what it is about them but, it always has me falling over. Figuratively and literally speaking. 

I am just always blown away by handsome, attractive, and talented asian guys. ^^ <3

I hope you enjoyed my post today! ^^ 

Hope you all have a Best. Absolute. Perfect. Day!!! <3

<3 ~* Baby Kae Bunny *~<3

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The Purge

Tonight I went to go and see "The Purge" with my uncle and little cousin for family time. I do have to say that this was one of the most intense, edge of the seat, emotional and thought provoking movies I have seen so far. I give this movie an 8 out of 10. It really was a great movie, if you have not seen it I recommend that you do. I love suspenseful and thought provoking movies.

The acting and the story line were also a plus, it actually all flowed together quite well. There is some foreshadowing in the beginning if you catch it. This is a bit off topic but, the setting was gorgeous to me. I would actually love to live in that area, without the purge taking place that is. Overall, the setting was perfect, the plot and acting were fascinating.

I might have to throw in a small thing that made me feel a bit uneasy about the movie. The hiding places, like really...picking the easiest places where people are bound to find you in a heart beat?! Everyone knows that when you play or played hide-and-seek as a kid, they would always search under the bed in the beginning of the game. Also, if you are breathing super hard and loud someone is bound to hear it.  I mean, that may just be my opinion but, that's one of my pet peeves about horror or suspenseful movies.

Something that you may not all find scary or creepy is super happy smiling masks. These, for some reason give me the creeps. Are you that happy that you have to wear a mask to show it? Do you want to do a doppleganger that badly? Do you love your friends and family that much that you want to look like each other? What is with the creepy masks?! 





Okay, well that was my small and compact, sweet and straight to the point "review" of "The Purge". I hope you enjoyed reading this and I hope it makes you want to see it. 


Can you survive the night?

Honestly, I don't think I would be able to. XP

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Father's Day





I just want to say Happy Father's Day to my father, uncle, and grandpa. Also, Happy Father's Day to all of those amazing and wonderful fathers out there! :)

I am just going to dedicate this whole post to my father. :D

Thanks dad for bringing D1GP and sexy sports cars into my life.






Thanks dad for bringing motocross into my life.




Thanks dad for giving me the gift of drawing.

Thank you dad for always being accepting, loving and caring. You have taught me a lot about myself and life. You had taught me that it's okay to make mistakes and you don't need a lot of money to make you happy. You were the one who taught me to never give up on my dreams. You have also taught me that I don't have to be just like everyone else.

Thank you for being my father, without you I wouldn't even be here.

Happy Father's Day to my awesome and loving father 

Have a great father loving day!!


Saturday, June 15, 2013

My gyaru diet


It's summer time and we are all ready to wear our ever so cute swimsuits!!! Right? Well, I'm going to share with you my diet that may help you keep a fit body. This may or may not work for you, but it works for me. I am no nutritionist or anything of that sort. I am just a girl that wants to stay fit and wants to help others do the same. :)

I hope this helps you. :)

Let us begin!! Ikimashou!!~ :D

Mostly what I do is eat 50% of the plate size, sometimes I eat until I am 50% full. I eat small snacks in between each meal. Such as: Breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, so on and so forth. I am also the kind of person who skips breakfast and eats a small lunch, snack and dinner with a dessert. Another factor that helps me is my natural fast metabolism, so that method may not be best for some.

To let you all know, I eat anything and everything. It doesn't matter whether it's good or bad I eat it!!! Eat what you like, but always eat your vegetables, grains, protein,...etc. As long as you eat what makes you happy and in small portions you'll be alright. If your happy, that's all you need to continue dieting.

Also, a really big thing for me is drinking water A LOT of water. I rarely have any soft drinks, energy drinks, coffee, or juice. I might have tea from time to time. All of those drinks seem to fill me up more than the food could. That is mostly it for the drinks, stay healthy, water is mother nature's gift. (^____^)

The types of things that I like to do to keep active: 
  • Singing
  • Para para
  • Belly dancing
  • dancing
  • Jumping rope 
  • Jumping up and down to music
  • Swimming
  • Walking
  • Running

Staying active as we all know is good for us. Even just daily routines can be known as exercise. For example: doing the laundry, running up and down stairs, doing dishes, making your bed, cleaning your room...etc. It's important to keep your body moving and heart pumping. Just keep moving and staying active and you'll feel alive! 

Well, there you all go!! Those are my dieting secrets!! Please leave a comment if this worked for you, I would love to hear from you. I just really want to help people reach their goals. I want to help them feel happy and accomplished. 

The most important thing to remember gals is that you have to be happy and committed to your diet. It's okay to relax and take a break but not for too long. As long as you're happy with what you're doing that's all that should matter. Do this for YOU, do not do this for anyone else. YOU are beautiful in YOUR own unique ways.

I believe that everyone is beautiful in their own ways. I also learned and was taught that...

"You must love yourself before you can love anything else."

I hope that this will help you gals, I really do. I want to help others and help them see the beauty that they possess. Please leave a comment telling me if this has helped you. I would really appreciate it. :)


Always stay beautiful inside and out gals!!~
Believe in yourself!~