Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day

Gyaru mama

                        Kai of the GazettE and his mother

Happy Mother's Day to all of those lovely, wonderful, and inspirational mothers out there!! Today is a day to celebrate mothers and how much we appreciate them. They put all of their time and effort into raising us. All mothers even went through all the pain to bring us into this world. Yes, hours of labor and eating the right things to keep themselves and us healthy and growing. They do so much for us every day and they love us every day. 

That brings me to my question, why do we have just one day dedicated to them? We should appreciate, love, and cherish everything they do for us every day. Every day should be a day to celebrate our relationships and friendships. We never know when our last days will be, so why not live like it? Every day and every second should be taken in as a special time. 

We may have our ups and downs with our mothers, but come on, we are only human and we are going to make mistakes. Guess what? Our mothers will love us no matter what. You may not agree with me on most of the things that I'm saying, but I find it to be true. Above the arguments and disagreements, there is love, that love which is able to conquer almost or all obstacles. 

Have an amazing and mother loving day!!~

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