Thursday, May 23, 2013


Today I would like to talk about a very common topic.
A lot has happened to me in the past and even now that has dealt with this. I mean, I can't say I haven't lied during my life time. In fact, one too many times I had been dishonest. One thing is always true about dishonesty, it does nothing but get you into trouble. I understand that it's only human of us to do so. 

For example, we could lie to get out of a situation or maybe to help a situation. What I have learned though, is that the lie can help only during that time. Then, the lies can keep on building up from that small one you had created. Soon, it will begin to consume you and you start to bury yourself alive in your lies. Sometimes, you even begin to believe your own lies and you than lose sight of yourself.

I personally, chose not to let it get that far. I'll admit it though, I was so close to doing so. It got to the point when I would feel guilty after lying. It would eat me up inside, and it made me feel like a "fake" person. Due to my constant dishonesty, I had lost a lot of friends and even my family members trust.

That is when I had chosen to change my ways. I didn't want to lose sight of myself or others anymore. I may not have many friends, but I know that I am my true self and they accept that. Now, I feel more confident in myself and I feel like a giant weight has lifted from my shoulders. One thing that really bothers me though, are dishonest people who strongly believe in their lies.

How I see these types of people: They feed off of their lies, they love the feeling of being in a fantasy world, and most of all, they love living a lie. They can't truly be themselves because no lie is ever true. It may sound beautiful whatever it is they're saying, but there will always be something hanging behind it. Therefore, I think dishonest people make good friends with other dishonest people. That way, they can feed off of one another's lies. 

I just can't stand dishonest people.

A Beautiful lie by 30 seconds to Mars








This has been bothering me for a while now and I felt that I had to get this off of my chest. This post was quite long, but it wasn't hard for me to think of what to say. I hope you enjoyed reading this and maybe you can relate to it. Thank you for reading my endless rambling. 

Have a great day!~ :)

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