Thursday, May 30, 2013



I would like to talk about my feelings about Love today. Personally, I am okay with being single, I enjoy being able to do things by myself. I have been single for quite a while now, I don't feel the need to be with anyone. I think it's fun being single because you have a lot of time to yourself. You also have a lot of time to hang out with your friends. :)


Although, recently I have been slowly getting back into Love again. Thing that's holding me back though is myself. I have Fear, a lot of you can probably relate to this. I am in fear of Rejection and not being good enough. I am also in fear or nervous, that when I start talking to them I may just sound down right Stupid


I want to start off as friends with any guy that I am attracted to. Another thing, I think a lot of us can relate to, is talking to that person that you want to get to know. Like I said, we are in fear of sounding dumb and being rejected. We are also nervous to talk to that person that we like or have a crush on. I know that I am definitely feeling fear and being nervous.


I guess, at this point I think I need to sit down and figure out my emotions. I need to gain confidence and courage to speak up. I was always told to try something, and if I didn't, I wouldn't know what could have happened. So, I'm thinking, maybe I should just give it a try. It may or may not work, but it's worth a try. 


Anyways, that was just a little rant that I wanted to get off of my chest. It has been on my mind for a while now and thought a lot of you could relate to it. Hope you all enjoyed it and maybe you can give me some feedback on what you think I should do. I am very scared of what could happen yet, I am so ready to give this thing a try. Have a wonderful day!!


Sunday, May 26, 2013

Happy 32nd Birthday Reita!!!

Happy Birthday Reita!!!~

Today I will just be sharing photos of Reita from the GazettE! It's his 32nd birthday!!!~ I just want to say that he is the most awesome bassist that I have ever seen. He is so awesome, cute, sweet, hardcore, and adorable. I will never forget all of the engrish he has been speaking and how much he looks like his parrot/cockatiel named Keiji.

I hope that he has a happy happy birthday!!~

The rock show by Blink 182

One of the songs Reita had as his ringtone on his phone. :D 

All the small things by Blink 182

Just a song that reminds me of Reita. :)

Bleed it out a Reita fanvid

Another song that makes me think of him. <3













Even Ahoynateo once had a hairstyle inspired by Reita!!~ :D

I think we all have reasons to love Reita. He is funny, good looking and wants to give off the bad boy attitude. I have to admit, I used to have a HUGE crush on him. I would love to be his close friend, he'd be like a big brother to me. Oh boy, would I love to have an awesome big brother like him!!~ ^^



Hope you all enjoyed this post as much as I did!!~

Have a wonderful day!!~ :) <3

Thursday, May 23, 2013


Today I would like to talk about a very common topic.
A lot has happened to me in the past and even now that has dealt with this. I mean, I can't say I haven't lied during my life time. In fact, one too many times I had been dishonest. One thing is always true about dishonesty, it does nothing but get you into trouble. I understand that it's only human of us to do so. 

For example, we could lie to get out of a situation or maybe to help a situation. What I have learned though, is that the lie can help only during that time. Then, the lies can keep on building up from that small one you had created. Soon, it will begin to consume you and you start to bury yourself alive in your lies. Sometimes, you even begin to believe your own lies and you than lose sight of yourself.

I personally, chose not to let it get that far. I'll admit it though, I was so close to doing so. It got to the point when I would feel guilty after lying. It would eat me up inside, and it made me feel like a "fake" person. Due to my constant dishonesty, I had lost a lot of friends and even my family members trust.

That is when I had chosen to change my ways. I didn't want to lose sight of myself or others anymore. I may not have many friends, but I know that I am my true self and they accept that. Now, I feel more confident in myself and I feel like a giant weight has lifted from my shoulders. One thing that really bothers me though, are dishonest people who strongly believe in their lies.

How I see these types of people: They feed off of their lies, they love the feeling of being in a fantasy world, and most of all, they love living a lie. They can't truly be themselves because no lie is ever true. It may sound beautiful whatever it is they're saying, but there will always be something hanging behind it. Therefore, I think dishonest people make good friends with other dishonest people. That way, they can feed off of one another's lies. 

I just can't stand dishonest people.

A Beautiful lie by 30 seconds to Mars








This has been bothering me for a while now and I felt that I had to get this off of my chest. This post was quite long, but it wasn't hard for me to think of what to say. I hope you enjoyed reading this and maybe you can relate to it. Thank you for reading my endless rambling. 

Have a great day!~ :)

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Happiness in simplest forms


The first thing that I found the simplest happiness out of yesterday, was that it was my mother's birthday!!~ I love hearing her voice even if it's over the phone. My mother may be far away from me but she will always be with me in my heart. Mum, you are another year older, but you still are that great mother that I have come to know. Happy Birthday mum!!~ <3 You are the best!! 

This is the second thing that was the simplest happiness out of yesterday or four hours ago....LOL. This is my best friend/sister Sarah. Her youtube channel is: 
I haven't talked to her in so long until four hours ago. :D We had managed to talk for three hours over the phone. There were no awkward silences, we talked about EVERYTHING and ANYTHING. Most of all, we talked about our favorite youtubers!! We have so much in common and we are always on the same page. 

We love so many youtubers and musicians. Our opinions on things are also the same, which I think is really hard to find in a lot of people. I also think that I have to thank my cousin for bringing this wonderful person into my life. I have made a promise to Sarah that when we see one another again, we will make a collab vid together. Also, that we have to go on many adventures together. :)

Today's post was kind of short, but then again, these are the simplest things that made me happy.

Hope you enjoyed it!!~ 

Have a beautiful day and let the simplest things in life make you smile. :)

Monday, May 20, 2013

Welcome to MARS


Today I would love to talk about this band that I have adorn since I was 10 or 11 years old, I can't seem to remember. I still love them till this day and I "grew up" with their music. They have really helped me through really hard and struggling times. I have to thank them for making me a strong person and being an inspiration to me. This band I will hold close to me in my heart, they are...

30 seconds to Mars

This was the first time that I had seen them. :)

The Kill (Bury me) was the first videos that I had seen from them and it was also based or inspired by "The Shining" which is one of my favorite horror movies.

This was the second time that I had seen them. :)

From Yesterday is one of my favorite videos from them, not because I'm asian. I love it because it is inspiring and motivating.

A Beautiful Lie is one of my favorite songs because the lyrics really speak to me. I also love the way Jared sings it and the way the song begins and ends.

This is war was also another great song done by them. The lyrics took ALL of the words out of my mouth. Just pure perfection to me.

This is War

Kings and queens was another one that I liked. The sound of it was so inspiring and the video gave me inspiration and motive.

Hurricane is a really good song. I love how the video is like a movie other than your typical music video. The video is also very sensual and you can see Jared's lovely six pack. ;) Thanks Jared for sharing your lovely abs with us all. <3

Closer to the edge is the most motivational and inspirational songs that I have ever heard. This song really brought light into my life and opened up my eyes to something amazing. This song gave me courage and determination, it made me a better person. I really thank 30 seconds to Mars for being that band to lift me out of the darkness. These guys really are amazing and I admire them. <3

Attack was also another really inspirational one for me. To be honest, without this band and these men coming together, I really don't know where I'd be. :)

These amazing men now in the present. 


Up in the Air

This song has captured my heart like all of the others. These men have always found ways to surprise me and yet, always inspire me. They truly are an amazing band and will always have a place in my heart. They are one of the best things that ever happened to me. They are one of the best things that ever came into my life. 

Stay awesome like you always are, I love you 30 seconds to Mars!!~
<3 <3 <3

Hope you enjoyed this post! I know that it was quite long, my apologies. I just wanted to share with you one of my favorite bands.

Have an amazing day!!~

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Vintage Style

Today I would like to talk about the vintage style fashion in which I am growing into. I don't quite know what it is about this style but I find it to be cute, sexy, and also mature. I think it suits me well, since I am into looking mature yet, fun and classy. I really love the vintage style a lot, it kind of just takes you back into the time that the style was created. So, let's get started with the clothing that I adore!!~

(c): Pin up Bootique on facebook





These are just a few of my favorite items. They are so cute! Also, a down side a lot of vintage clothing stores are pricey. Although, I think for any style that people are going for is going to be pricey. So I don't really mind the price, I also like to shop on sales racks too. The sales racks actually help A LOT, you may not think that you'll find anything, but think again!

Now, I will be moving on to the media. The media and celebrities have also embraced the vintage style. They have opened our eyes to what it was like "back in the day" or what it would look like if we were brought back through time. It actually inspired me a little bit to get into this fashion. Let's get to it then, shall we?

Keri Hilson-Pretty Girl Rock

Selena Gomez-Love you like a love song

Christina Aguilera-Candyman

Christina Aguilera-Ain't no other man

Christina Aguilera-hurt

So, those are all the videos that I have seen with vintage styles in them and have been an inspiration to me. Christina Aguilera has been an inspiration to me ever since I was a little girl. Therefore, I guess her interpretations on vintage style has impacted me more. Just because media and celebrities have played a part in showing the vintage style, doesn't mean that I'm basing all of my interests off of it. I just wanted to show you where I got some of my inspirations from, while I was getting into this fashion.

That is all from me today!!~ Hope you all enjoyed it!!~
Have a great day!!~

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Opposites Attract

Today I would like to talk about my "natural" attraction to men with the horoscope/zodiac sign of Aquarius. Just so you know, I am born in the sign of Leo. Aquarius is the complete opposite of Leo, therefore, they both have what the other is missing. Missing pieces of a puzzle as I'd like to say, they complete one another. Also, they can make or break one another, it could also lead to a long lasting relationship or a long lasting friendship.

I would like to start with the first Aquarius that I was attracted to. You may think I'm a crazy fangirl or whatever, but I felt that I was either "infatuated" or "in love" with him. You can think whatever you'd like, judge me, you don't know what I'm feeling. Anyway, let's get to it!!~ The first Aquarius man that I fell head over heels for was Kyo of Dir en grey.


I have liked Kyo ever since I heard the band Dir en grey when I was 11 years old. Even up until now I still like him, I admire him, he's a big inspiration to me. Dir en grey's music has helped me through really hard times in my life in which I have forgotten about. Kyo has inspired me to be strong and not care what others think about me. He had taught me that you have to love yourself before you can love and care for something else. 

Another BIG thing that Kyo had taught me and Dir en grey as well, is that you should NEVER put up with dishonesty. Whether it be: friends, family, teachers, society...etc. Liars just love to soak themselves in their lies. They enjoy fooling you into thinking whatever, they also love to watch you fall and break. They live a lie everyday and every second of their lives, they don't have lives.
This is the second Aquarius that I have been attracted to. This man has made me feel so happy and also really sad. My feelings towards him have been nothing but a roller coaster. Yet, I still find ways to fall head over heels for him over and over again. This Aquarius is Ruki of the GazettE.


I have liked Ruki ever since I was 11 years old up until the present. We have A LOT in common that it isn't even funny. He was born in the year of the dog and so am I!! :) As children, we went through the same exact things, we are also both the youngest siblings. There is just so much that I admire about him, I am very fond of him. 

He is a BIG inspiration to me, his voice and everything about him is very attractive to me. To be honest, I never thought that I would be attracted to him. I thought I was more into the bassist of the GazettE, Reita. Then, suddenly, I saw a video of them live and I felt something for Ruki when I saw him perform. Love at first sight, I guess you can say.

There is just something about him that makes me super happy. Yet, we all know with something good comes something bad...I will not say what it is, but I will say it's a whirlwind of emotions and thoughts. 

"Something that can make you smile, can also be the reason for your tears."

He is that kind of person who has the power to make me feel that way.
There is just that SOMETHING about him that sparks a flame in me.
This is the third Aquarius that captured my eyes and heart. He reminds me a lot of one of my ex best friend, since they were born on the same day. Anyway, I find him really attractive and he seems like a really great person to be around. He has a "million dollar smile" as he'd like to say and he is really perverted. This man is Byou or Byo of SCREW.


I have liked Byo ever since I was 14 years old. I don't know what it was about him, but I was suddenly attracted to him. The way he looked, his voice, his personality it was all there. I still like him until this day, every time I look at him my heart just wants to fly away. When I look at him, all I can manage to do is squeal and feel all warm and fuzzy inside. *^^*

He is in fact, very family and friend oriented. He kisses his friends and even shares a hotel room with them. He loves his family, he is the eldest out of his two brothers. He is different, and I think that's what I find attractive about him. He is also successful at what he does and he has a close relationship with his family. That's another thing that I like about him, and also that he's perverted but it's funny. XD
Now, let's conclude this, I have no idea why I am attracted to Aquarius. It just comes naturally to me, there is just something about them. They give me a feeling that I can't really describe, they can just look at me and steal my heart. There is just something wonderful, amazing and unique about the Aquarius that gets me automatically hooked. This horoscope/zodiac stuff is not rubbish to me, it seems very legitimate and I am willing to follow what it says about Aquarius and Leo.

Thank you for taking the time to read all of this. I really appreciate it.

Have a wonderful day!!~ <3