Sunday, August 9, 2015


There is just one of a few fears that I have that I will NEVER overcome. One of them is Thalassophobia which also means "Fear of the sea". I don't know how I have come to know that I was afraid of the sea or what triggered it, or if it was even triggered. I guess it's just the feeling of not knowing...the feeling and thoughts of not knowing what you may not be able to see. Almost like with spirits or entities, you know they are there but you can't see them sometimes. It scares you, right? Exactly my point. The feeling and thoughts of not knowing what may be beneath me or around me feet below or away. It's a creepy feeling. 

To be quite honest, I do love and enjoy learning about our aquatic life in the world. It is so very interesting and it opens my eyes to the things that used to be, what is, and what will be. The clear or unclear vision of the evolution or transforming of the species that call the sea their home. I guess that I can say that I have a love-hate relationship with the sea and it's species. I love to broaden my education of the sea species but I will never set foot or body into their territory. 

Obviously, there's a reason why this post doesn't have any photos. Even though it's on a screen and it's only a photo I feel complete fear. Yet, it's humorous because I can watch a video of aquatic species but not look at a straight up photo of it. I guess it's all coming together and making a lot more sense to me now. I have a love-hate relationship with the sea and it's wide selection of species. 

Thank you for taking the time to read my post!!

I hope you all have a great day or night and...

I hope to see you all soon in my next post!!

Saturday, August 8, 2015

My Luxury Dream

Honestly speaking, I can say that I have lived most classes of life. The struggling but still getting by, the middle class, and also the fast lane. From my personal experience and perspective, I am alright with the struggling but still getting by lifestyle because I am so used to it. I really did enjoy the fast lane, although it wasn't all that I had expected it to be. As of right now,  for myself and my future I would like to be living my own fast lane life with the one that I love. In which, they are the one that I am currently with. 

I feel that him and I will definitely make this lifestyle happen for ourselves. For our future, this will be the lifestyle for our children as well. I honestly don't want to be worrying about anything in the future. I just want to be able to provide for my family, when they ask for something it should already be there for them. I just want happiness and no worries for my beloved family. 

I will admit, I want all of the finer things in life. It sounds selfish, but for one to be truly happy they have to do what they think is right for themselves. I've learnt from my boyfriend that I have to worry about myself and make myself happy. I have also learned that from most celebrities and successful business women and men that you can come from nothing and make something great. That's exactly where my boyfriend and I are coming from, starting from the bottom and making it to the top. 

Just talking and thinking about the future with my love is making me excited and happy for the future I will be making with him. We will create the greatest life together and for our children. We will both be happy and have not a worry in the world. I hope our children will be thankful and happy for the things their mother and father giving them nothing but the best out of life. I really do hope that this amazing dream becomes a reality. 

Thank you for taking the time to read my post!

I hope to see you all soon in my next one!

Have a great day or night and...