Wednesday, October 30, 2013

31 day blog challenge Day 30

Day 30 of the 31 day blog challenge

Day 30: What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?

My favorite flavor(s) of ice cream are:


Green tea

Cookies and cream

Strawberry cheesecake




That's it for today's challenge!!

I hope you stay for tomorrow's challenge!!

Have an amazing day!!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

31 day blog challenge Day 29

Day 29 of the 31 day blog challenge

Day 29: What is your favorite time of the year and why?

My favorite time of the year would have to most definitely have to be Christmas/New Years. 

The reasons why this is my favorite time of the year is because it just gives me this feeling of closeness, warmth, love, and security. I love winter because it gets cold and you are able to wear cute clothes. Also, it's a time to make new goals for yourself, to better yourself. One goal that I want to reach is to get a kiss under the mistletoe, by a special someone. Another one is to get a kiss on New Years to start off the new year. <3 Those are the main reasons why this is my favorite time of the year. 

I will share some of my favorite winter fashions with you!

That's it for today's challenge!!

I hope you stick around until the end!!

Have an amazing day!!

Monday, October 28, 2013

31 day blog challenge Day 28

Day 28 of the 31 day blog challenge

Day 28: What is your guilty pleasure?

My guilty pleasures:

1. Rap/hip hop music

2. EDM

3. R&B

4. 80's music

5. The movie "The Master of Disguise"

6. The movie "Kung Pow"

7. The Walking Dead

8. Taking Selcas

9. Candy/Desserts

10. Yoo YoungJae's voice

That's it for today's challenge!!

I hope you stick around until the end!!

Have an amazing day!!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

31 day blog challenge Day 27

Day 27 of the 31 day blog challenge

Day 27: List 3 online friends you've never met in real life but hope to soon

I hope to meet my twin 


My unnie


My dongsaeng


Also, I just wanted to add a #HappyBABYDay to all BABYz all over the world!!!~~~

We have been known as BABYz for a year now!!!


I am so proud to be called a BABY!!!

That's it for today's challenge!!

I hope you stick around until the end!!

Have an amazing day!!

Saturday, October 26, 2013

31 day blog challenge Day 26

Day 26 of the 31 day blog challenge

Day 26: Your favorite food

My favorite food is Korean BBQ or Gogi (meat)

That's it for today's challenge!!

I hope you stick around until the end!!

Have an amazing day!!

Friday, October 25, 2013

31 day blog challenge Day 25

Day 25 of the 31 day blog challenge

Day 25: Describe your location

I am honestly creeped out by this challenge. 

I'm going to describe a place I want to be right now.

1. lights

2. cars

3. buildings

4. mountains

5. entertainment

6. water

7. bridge

I'll just say it here!!


That's it for today's challenge!!

I hope you stick around until the end!!

Have an amazing day!!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

31 day blog challenge Day 24

Day 24 of the 31 day blog challenge

Day 24: Your most embarrassing moment

I have actually had multiple embarrassing moments but, it was of the same kind of thing. I keep on hearing someone say my name or a name that sounds similar to mine and I answer. I also see someone waving at someone near me or behind me and I wave back at the stranger. Those are the most embarrassing moments that I have had happen. I bet a lot of you can relate to this sort of thing. ^^

That's it for today's challenge!!

I hope you stick around until the end!!

Have an amazing day!!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

31 day blog challenge Day 23

Day 23 of the 31 day blog challenge

Day 23: Do you have a hobby?

Yes, I do. My hobbies are:

1. Taking photos

2. Reading

3. Drawing

4. Listening to music

5. Dancing

6. Singing

7. Talking/texting

8. Watching TV

9. Sleeping

10. Shopping

11. Modeling

12. Spending time with family and friends

That's it for today's challenge!!

I hope you stick around until the end!!

Have an amazing day!!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

31 day blog challenge Day 22

Day 22 of the 31 day blog challenge

Day 22: What do you do when you're home alone?

Well, this question is very creeper-like and stalkerish.

I'm not sure if I should answer this challenge or not.

I'm actually quite terrified to answer this.

I honestly don't think you need to know what I do.

I will just answer this vaguely, I am at home doing stuff.

I feel really uncomfortable answering this question for some reason.

That's it for today's challenge!!

I hope you stick around until the end!!

Have an amazing day!!

Monday, October 21, 2013

31 day blog challenge Day 21

Day 21 of the 31 day blog challenge

Day 21: What's your biggest fear?

My biggest fears are:

1. Sharks

2. Spiders

3. Balloons (I have globophobia)

4. Someone taking away someone I have deep feelings for

5. not graduating from school

6. Dying a slow painful death

7. clowns

8. Haunted houses

That's it for today's challenge!!

I hope you stick around until the end!!

Have an amazing day!!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

31 day blog challenge Day 20

Day 20 of the 31 day blog challenge

Day 20: What do you collect?

Things that I collect:

1. Shoes

2. Stuffed animals

3. B.A.P/Yoo YoungJae things

That's it for today's challenge!!

I hope you stick around until the end!!

Have an amazing day!!

Saturday, October 19, 2013

31 day blog challenge Day 19

Day 19 of the 31 day blog challenge

Day 19: List 5 blogs you read on a regular basis and why?

I actually don't read any blogs on a regular basis. The only blog that I do read, not on a regular basis is my cousin's blog.

Other than that, I go onto tumblr and read and reblog things from my favorite blogs. One of my favorite blogs that I reblog and check on constantly on a regular basis is itsbap.

Knowing myself, I always have to see what my boys are up to. ^^ I love B.A.P and they always make me happy. <3

That's it for today's challenge!!

I hope you stick around until the end!!

Have an amazing day!!

Friday, October 18, 2013

31 day blog challenge Day 18

Day 18 of the 31 day blog challenge

Day 18: Where are you happiest?

The place that I am the happiest is in my room. It's a place where I can be myself and no one will judge me. Don't get me wrong, I do love to go out with family and friends, but I am for sure, the happiest in my room. I guess that I feel this way because I'm home all of the time due to online school. I am home cleaning the house, doing laundry, doing school work and so, I am just always in my room. :)

That's it for today's challenge!!

I hope you stick around until the end!!

Have an amazing day!!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

31 day blog challenge Day 17

Day 17 of the 31 day blog challenge

Day 17: Why and when did you start blogging?

I wanted to start blogging because I thought it would be quite fun to share my thoughts, feelings, and interests with others.

I began blogging on August of last year, I decided to make this blog on my birthday.

I'm very sorry for this really really short post today. I apologize because I am busy with school and I'm becoming quite stressed. 

That's it for today's challenge!!

I hope you stick around until the end!!

Have an amazing day!!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

31 day blog challenge Day 16

Day 16 of the 31 day blog challenge

Day 16: What is your biggest accomplishment?

Honestly, I can't say that I have made it to my biggest accomplishment yet. I believe that all of your small accomplishments will result in your biggest accomplishment. Therefore, I have not yet reached my biggest accomplishment. I am constantly working and thinking of ways to reach my goals and how I will make it to my accomplishments. Some will take a short period of time, others a much longer time. I know I will make it to my biggest accomplishment one of these days. Oh, I finally have thought of a big accomplishment! The biggest accomplishment a person or myself can have is living every day to its fullest! :)

That's it for today's challenge!!

I hope you stick around until the end!!

Have an amazing day!! 

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

31 day blog challenge Day 15

Day 15 of the 31 day blog challenge

Day 15: List 10 things that make you awesome

I can honestly say that I don't like to be conceited.

Since this is a part of the challenge, I shall do it.

Let's get started!~

1. I love stuffed animals

2. I love music

3. I love fashion and makeup

4. I love to dance and sing

5. I talk a lot

6. I think a lot

7. I am sometimes the trend setter

8. I am loving, caring, generous, loyal and honest

9. I have my own B.A.P family

10. I am devoted to Yoo YoungJae

That's it for today's challenge!!

I hope you stick around until the end!!

Have an amazing day!!

Monday, October 14, 2013

It's Zelo Day

☆☆☆Happy 17th birthday to the most adorable and loving maknae!! Happy birthday Junhong~ah! The whole family loves you and we hope you stop growing taller! Hahaha!!!~~~ ^^ We also hope you enjoy your day, the day you were born, the day you were brought into this world!  We are truly blessed to have you in our lives. You are a one of a kind kid, a child prodigy; one who can dance and LTE rap! You have so much talent and charisma. I want my child to be just like you. I would even love to have you as my own little brother. We are so proud of you, of how far you have come and how much you have grown. We will never forget all of the moments we have created together. I am so proud of the young man you have become. We love you so tremendously and we hope you have an extraordinary day. ^^  *・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・* #itsZeloDay

~* Happy 17th Birthday Choi Junhong *~

~* Have an amazing day!! *~